
Wisdom in Business Prayer

Dear God,
I know it gets hard sometimes when I am building my business. I know that you have given me this gift and sometimes I lose focus. Today, I pray that my eyes look straight ahead and I fix my gaze directly on my business.  I pray this week for wisdom in my business and my personal life.  Allow me to make sound decisions and develop wise relationships in life and business.  When it gets hard, Lord place me in an atmosphere of positivity and encouragement. Allow me to do one thing every day that my tomorrow will thank me for. Regardless of what others believe, keep me focused.  Lord, as I prepare for this week, I ask you to guide me. I know that everyone does not understand my gift. I truly know that if you are for me then no one can be against me. This week I will focus on wisdom and small workable goals.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.